Something to count on

A short while ago those still awake in my family marked the 41st day of the omer. It marked the end of one of the most pivotal events in the work of my Messiah:

Acts 1:1-3, I wrote the former account, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after he had given orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. To the same apostles also, after his suffering, he presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. He was seen by them over a forty-day period and spoke about matters concerning the kingdom of God.
Acts 1:9-11 After he had said this, while they were watching, he was lifted up and a cloud hid him from their sight. As they were still staring into the sky while he was going, suddenly two men in white clothing stood near them and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the sky? This same Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven.”

Often our discussion of our Saviour’s work, we will focus on the death, burial and resurrection. These aspects of his work are important and are not to be diminished. Yet equally important is his ascension. Our Messiah is on the right hand of G-d, interceding on our behalf. The picture of Him seated shows that His work was successful and complete.
Moreover, we are promised that He will indeed return the same way He left.
So, we are are at 41 on our way to 50 days. I will be taking these remaining days to ready myself. In less than 10 days we will celebrate the giving of the Torah (the way a redeemed community lives) and the Spirit (whose dwelling presence enables us to be obedient). I encourage you to do the same.



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